Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

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  • #57434

    Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

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  • Author
    • #284613

      The physical is transformed into the spiritual only through connection with others, who by the point in their hearts have the same desire as myself, which is to become equivalent to the Creator.

    • #284548

      Our connection with others with a  similar desire

    • #284482
      Aleksandar Milic

      The Kabbalist always chooses the right path in his path of light, but we must never forget that the left path is equally important. His mission is to influence his environment and to be a participant
      in social life because it is the only way to wake up – a point in people’s hearts. On the other hand, the Kabbalist is the link between the spiritual and physical worlds – the material world in which we currently live.

    • #284292

      The group, connection, bestowal…

    • #284188
      Gelaye Gudisa

      Change in our desires gets renewed in two ways, one according to a chain of informational records (Reshimot) and due to the influence of the environment(the group). When a person join the group, he incorporates himself in it, wishes to submit to it, and he receives a different kind of thoughts, desires, and goals from it, ridding himself of the external dictate.

    • #283809

      Any physical action we take that connects us to others reveals the spiritual world through the connection. I don’t think it matters what the action is, as long as the intention is to reveal the Truth through others.

      I love that this principle offers a spiritual practice as a full-time occupation for people who are drawn to be involved in the world, rather than withdrawing from it to have time for spiritual practice. For years I’ve felt drawn to be involved in the lives of others and my communities, but hesitate because I fear how easy it is for me to get lost in the physical activities and motivation itself, which I feel as meaningless without the spiritual connection. I’ve felt stuck in a tug of war within myself between being involved and connecting to the spiritual. I hope I can integrate this perspective to be freer.

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