Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 5 Discuss Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

  • #57434

    Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

Viewing 3 posts - 187 through 189 (of 189 total)
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    • #63273

      I read the hint and I agree that a connection with a purpose to bestow and love others helps with the transformation.

    • #63249

      I believe the “converter” will be our 10! Seems like the group can transform the mundane to the magical!

    • #60181

      Is there somewhere I can ask a question not in public?

Viewing 3 posts - 187 through 189 (of 189 total)
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