Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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    • #337833
      Karen Assayag

      I cannot see myself connecting in love with the evil of this world.

    • #337514

      If all were interconnected there would be nobody dying of starvation. There would be no poverty or homeless people or the need for homeless shelters. There would be no need for shelters or safe houses for people escaping abuse or terrorism. In fact, there wouldn’t really be any need for police departments because everybody would be following the law of nature. Well, at least there would be less need as the connections grow.

      Everybody would truly be treating everyone as a part of themselves because we truly are all connected.

      After all of humanity was connected, would there really be the need for all these government organizations? I don’t think so. People would naturally do the right thing every day of their lives.

      And of course we wouldn’t be destroying the only Earthly home we have to live on as it is now being destroyed all in the name of greed.

      And frankly, it would be a huge relief to return to the reality of what truth is. I’m so tired of the political games being played in this world.

      I could write a book to answer this question. . .

    • #336571
      Varda kahalany

      if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love, we would not have any of the problems today because all trouble are steaming out of egoistic goals and disagreement’s . It would be a pleasant way of living in harmony, mutual love and understanding.

    • #336504
      Jack Davidsen

      We would all have the intention of achieving what is best, not only for ourselves, not only for me, or for me and my family, or for me and my country, but for everybody worldwide, including our surroundings, and ironically, this difference in our approach means we wouldn’t have to fear poverty, or fear being tyrannized and abused. We would not be at the start of WWlll.

      I believe that we would see ourselves as a whole, and our differences in personality, abilities, preferences, our different traditions, and lifestyles, would not make us feel divided, they would instead make us feel enriched.

      And even though things aren’t looking good for our poor earth right now, the fact that we are coming together here, at KabU/B’nei Baruch, gives me hope, and for that I am so very grateful to you all, my fellow students, and our instructors.

      It may not show a whole lot because I do go through a lot these days, but you inspire me greatly and have done so every week, right from the start. And it’s only getting better.

      Thank you for being you, everybody! 🙂

    • #336413

      In a world where people are connected according to the spiritual law of love, many issues would likely be approached with compassion, empathy, and a focus on cooperation rather than conflict. Solutions would prioritize the well-being of individuals and communities, fostering understanding and harmony. Decisions would be guided by a collective sense of interconnectedness, promoting a more equitable and sustainable approach to social, economic, and environmental challenges. However, this currently does not exist in our world as we see it today. The world leadership is more interested in greed, power and subjugation of the people for their own gains. I’ve yet to see any country put its people first and act in accordance with the spiritual law of love…

      • #336530

        Hi Christie,  I have heard that the small country of Bhutan places Gross National happiness as its most important ” product”, so that is one place where this is already happening, & has been for a very long time.  Its nice to know that we are not the only pioneers, and there are many others on this path.  I get very tired of focusing on the greed/power dynamic, since although we cant help knowing its all around us, it is a force of this world, and like everything, comes from the Creator as a means of waking us up  to our intention to connect with the Reforming Light.

    • #336362

      They would not need to be approached differently surely if all people were connected to be in synchronisation with nature the issues of the reaction to the ego would have been dealt with.

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