Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 351 total)
  • Author
    • #360907

      I dont think there would be issues 😉

    • #359953

      I will be approached by the interest of other. There is not space for “self”.

      Thank you

    • #357066
      Steve Miley

      There would be world, peace, an end to famine we would perhaps have Mars colonized by now. Definitely more likely we’d all be on a vegan diet.

    • #339608
      Tammy Ardoin

      I think the world would be a much different place and we would be at the end of correction!

    • #339276

      It is beautiful to contemplate such a state of cooperation and unity! I imagine since our current corporeal reality of 8 billion individuals is now so interconnected at all levels that all problems would need to be addressed holistically, meaning globally, therefore requiring radically new approaches. Clearly we lack the necessary institutions and skills today and the path towards this utopia would require hitting rock-bottom before starting the long and slow transformation to the goal of global unity. Something as fresh & radical as the wisdom of Kabbalah would be needed to speed things up.

    • #339103

      Decisions would be based on what is best for the whole.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 351 total)
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