Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

Viewing 6 posts - 103 through 108 (of 302 total)
  • Author
    • #330288
      Claribel Rivera

      We would be able to feel the needs of others in feeling or say connecting with others we would know why things are happening what is the reason people do what we do and therefore with understanding the plan of creation and be at peace

    • #329380

      If we’re really treating others as we wish to be treated then there’s no beef.

    • #329327
      Dante Yigael

      I sense these many issues would be approached in the same way that we approach our body when its in need. We want to immediately  stop the pain and heal. We would see our neighbor as a part of our self like a arm or leg and desire to take good care of it immediately.   We would sense peace, love and connection with all creation.

    • #329120

      There would be no poverty, hunger, strife, war; everyone would deal with each other fairly and with compassion, loving everyone else as they love themselves. This would come about by the recognition of the unity of humanity; not by merely imagining the connection, but by seeing the undeniable reality that all are literally connected. What benefits me, benefits you; what harms you, harms me. Every issue seems to stem from the imaginary walls of difference we put up between ourselves and others. Once those crumble and fade away, the intense evil of the world will fade away with them.

    • #327445

      There would be no issues

    • #326748

      Love covers all, and we will overcome any issues.

Viewing 6 posts - 103 through 108 (of 302 total)
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