Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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    • #365068
      Seamus Dolan

      Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

      The issues would disappear as everyone’s life would be transformed as everyone else would have their best interests at heart and care for them.

    • #363639
      Leyah Lynette Evol


      I wrote this poem a while back.  🙂 I think it answers the question.

      Who Am I

      I am one thread of the tapestry

      Incomplete to say the least,

      without this one Soul

      one part of the whole

      A vision …

      one part of a united mission

      To shake up and break up

      Confusion and indecision

      To understand that the band

      Is bland without the instruments

      Shine and refine from the inside out

      That is what my mission is all about

      Transcendence not dependence

      Abide by universal rules

      These are the tools

      Required when I’m tired

      All saying the same changes the game

      The voice of the majority

      Reinforces … marries not divorces

      And forces us to face that this place

      needs a new interface.

      One hundred and forty-four (hz)

      Open the door and set me free

      To see that I am We.


    • #362650

      If people connected to the spiritual law of love, we would care for the other as much as ourselves (including nature). Our world would be a peaceful and harmonious place to live.

    • #361167

      They would be approached in a corrected state.

    • #361119

      That is such a difficult question! I suppose the theoretical answer is that we should respect and accept each other regardless of , say, political views. In practice, though, this feels difficult, when people are spewing conspiracy theories and my ego says I am right and they are wrong! Looking forward to learning about this.


    • #360957

      I think that there would be a level of awareness of the “other” that isn’t perceived at this time.  We would be coming from a different perspective with the knowing that caring for the other brings harmony to the entire system like a symphony.

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