Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 312 total)
  • Author
    • #313743
      Dr Jim

      The spiritual law of love can take us from Utopia to Eutopia.


    • #313702

      If people could love their neighbours as themselves, there would be no wars, no hunger, and on a deeper level no crisis, no catastrophies or epidemics. We would all be in resonance with each other. It sounds like an Utopia but it is possible

    • #313642

      The individual would not raise his or her desires above the rest. Rather, the individual would give no thought of him or her self. Humanity would be “the group”, and we would approach corporeal challenges from a higher spiritual level, where we are connected and each individual has the desires of the rest within him or herself. So, the solutions we would create would be above the ego, they would generate sustaining states of peace, tranquility, harmony, and ever-increasing capability.

    • #313557

      If people were connected according to the spiritual law of love, I wonder if we would find more acceptance and tolerance in the world. We have come so far in all areas of life due to those who were willing to step outside the norm. The inventors, composers, and architects were willing to think differently, ask questions, and try out a new idea. It seems to me the variety of our societies have enriched us in so many ways and brought us to the next level.

    • #313535

      Connection would replace fear and we could stop reacting like animals. Think of the money spent on defense that could be available for peaceful projects of growth versus death.

    • #313533

      I guess we could feel as cells of a single body, then we would really work together to keep “us” alive.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 312 total)
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