Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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    • #316362

      In these courses up to now we haven’t really deeply dived into the definition of love in kabalistic terms.  My assumption would be that love is essentially the same thing as altruism.  In light of that, I would say that loving others means putting their needs above yours, as well as holding their needs just as important as yours.  so the example here would be that we would approach that homeless man on the street as if it was our father or brother. In terms of how I interact at work, I would pump the brakes before writing somebody off after a negative interaction and really try to understand where they’re coming from. Ultimately love looks a lot like forgiveness.

    • #314192

      They would be approached much more holistically, and with far less egoistic motivations.

    • #314184

      There would probably be less conflict because people would realize that there is no point to getting things only for yourself and they would want everyone else in the world to also have a good life

    • #314153
      John Caton

      Connection of this type would negate any reason for conflict. Our egos are the root causes of our difficulties. But what and how can humanity be pushed to accept the Law of Love as a scientific principle, as real as those we use to engineer other benefits, but without the egos that exploit other scientific principles for personal gain?

    • #313743
      Dr Jim

      The spiritual law of love can take us from Utopia to Eutopia.


    • #313702

      If people could love their neighbours as themselves, there would be no wars, no hunger, and on a deeper level no crisis, no catastrophies or epidemics. We would all be in resonance with each other. It sounds like an Utopia but it is possible

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