Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 481 through 486 (of 1,000 total)
  • Author
    • #318916
      Carlos Pombo

      As I awakened I started to realize things and events are not purely random , but part of a structure that is beyond our senses, this has been my pursuit: to discover and correct

    • #318847
      Dante Yigael

      I understand that I require correction, and the correction is for my good.

    • #318739
      Sylvie Bélanger

      I become more aware of the impact my thoughts can have on the collective consciousness.

    • #318720
      Yeshua Catherineka

      Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

      I had lot questions about the failures in my life before studying kabbalah, but I feel I am getting answers to some. And I hope that soon I would also understand and get my answers to all the thrusted suffering.

      I also hope it would help me to connect to the creator, and I would still be a winner after all the failures.

      This is what I desire and pray for.

    • #318667
      Coyote Bones

      Lately I’ve been feeling kinship with the like minds in the books, and music I listen to. I can see the journey of thought it took to get to writing their words. I listened to Kabbalah revealed again, and the 2 other books in the package. I connected with all 3, and it feels like there might be a community for me here. I’ve known about the multidimensional nature of the Torah, I go back to it when I.. lets say achieve a new “gadlut” to see whats new. It’ll be fun to come back to these Kabbalah books too. Thats all!

    • #318661

      Like the song “all things come from G-d” 😉

Viewing 6 posts - 481 through 486 (of 1,000 total)
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