Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

  • #28805

    Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

Viewing 6 posts - 667 through 672 (of 720 total)
  • Author
    • #56782

      I wish my fellows the best understanding and attaining possible, and also great joy and fulfillment, through connection above.

    • #56773
      Muhammad Tanim

      Hello! Take my greetings. Has the revelation of Kabbalah to the commoners by Rav Yehuda Leib Ha-Levi Ashlaq Baal Ha-Sulam any desire for the greater good of Mankind as for example for the unification of all human races and wipe out all discrepancies and discrimination and as such?

    • #56767
      Steve Mitchell

      I wish Love, Light and deeper connection for all.

    • #56728

      i wish everyone here to attain the true essence of the devine love which unites us.

    • #56522

      I wish everyone here our blessed and gifted teachers everyone that has joined now and the future the most utter success of attainment possible.

    • #56517

      May we all connect as one heart to feel the Upper World.

Viewing 6 posts - 667 through 672 (of 720 total)
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