Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #300355

      We want the study of Kabbalah to lead us to a complete perception of reality beyond the usual filters of our 5 senses and their conditioning that limits our perception.

    • #300351
      Will Orellana

      To transcend our 5 senses and perceive reality beyond that

    • #300280
      Tracey N

      To perceive the reality in a complete way and be able to live in complete harmony with nature as one soul.

    • #300273

      Maybe I cannot understand reality to the fullest but would like to know how is it that we observe this world through our five senses  when there’s more out there in the great universe

    • #300261

      When my soul temporarily left my body in a head-on collision, I also left the realm of five senses. I felt no pain. Yet, I still existed. I could still think. I could still observe. I could still hear, understand, and communicate in the spiritual realm. It wasn’t until I chose to return to the physical realm that I felt in a physical capacity. I desire to experience the wholeness that exists in the spiritual realm and to share with others that the pain and suffering felt in the physical realm can be transformed to healing and wholeness by connecting with the Light of the spiritual realm here in the physical realm.

    • #300248

      Perhaps to see reality through  connection to Truth, the Creator’s truth.

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