Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #300273

      Maybe I cannot understand reality to the fullest but would like to know how is it that we observe this world through our five senses  when there’s more out there in the great universe

    • #300261

      When my soul temporarily left my body in a head-on collision, I also left the realm of five senses. I felt no pain. Yet, I still existed. I could still think. I could still observe. I could still hear, understand, and communicate in the spiritual realm. It wasn’t until I chose to return to the physical realm that I felt in a physical capacity. I desire to experience the wholeness that exists in the spiritual realm and to share with others that the pain and suffering felt in the physical realm can be transformed to healing and wholeness by connecting with the Light of the spiritual realm here in the physical realm.

    • #300248

      Perhaps to see reality through  connection to Truth, the Creator’s truth.

    • #300243

      To beyond our physical 5 senses

    • #300235
      Phillip Rogers

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>To an accurate one. To see through the illusions that we are socially/culturally/politically conditioned to see and accept.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>To awaken from our empty state and be filled. To see and experience reality as the Creator blessed be He sees it.</p>
      To be free from our small individualistic view of existence, and awaken to the boundlessness of what reality really is. Not reality as it exists here but as it exists in the higher worlds.

    • #300225

      To me, the perceptions of reality are something secondary. It is like me saying how you want to watch the movie: B&W, With Colour, with sound, in IMAX, with 3D glasses. My desire instead is to go back to the source, to lose this individualism, this Ego that divides me, that pushes me away from everything else.

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