Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #287800

      As my consciousness has awakened and I find myself in a most blissful state, I have found that my perception as I survey my environment takes on a new sense. It’s as if space and objects aren’t really there as my senses perceive, and I sense more brightness that I do not see with my senses behind, within, and around my environment.  My inner state changes the perception of my outer world. I would like the study of Kabbalah to enhance and clarify the senses that are awakened. I wonder…what will it be to have fully awakened perception within the spiritual worlds. Though glorious now, I often wonder just how much more glorious can it be when unbounded? I was at a store yesterday and noticed the Power Ball, which I haven’t played over a handful of times, must have been won by someone. I mentioned that to the cashier, a young man, who said that the $500 million was almost too much. I said, yes, but imagine the good you could possibly do when you take receiving the money altruistically (I didn’t use that word). The same is true of reception and development of perception. How much more we have to bestow as we awaken our perceptions and live more and more fully in the spiritual world!

    • #287795

      We want a perception of reality that shows us more … not just the limited perception of our five senses. When we can experience more, we’ll be able to have a better understanding of true cause and effect.

    • #287793
      Terence Adu

      To perceive the light and experience the cause so we are not just the effect

    • #287791

      To a perception of reality that is outside of the body, so I may see the entire picture not just a limited one.

    • #287789

      To correct our perception of reality and develop the Screen.

      To question what we perceive.

    • #287788

      To be the person I was born to be! – experiencing reality as it actually is.   Understanding the forces that influence my life.

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