Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #285990

      We want the study of Kabbalah to lead us to a greatly expanded perception of reality beyond our currently very limited 5 sense world to see the truth of what is really surrounding us.

    • #285835

      More complete perception of the totality, and better realization of causes and effects.

    • #285419
      Alfred Martinez

      I hope that the study of Kabbalah will help me to perceive reality that is currently hidden from me due to my imperfect senses.

    • #285378
      Nicky Boo

      We want to perceive the reality to it’s fullest – to interpret as much of the upper or above as we can.

    • #285377
      Nicky Boo

      We want to perceive the reality to its fullest – to interpret as much of the upper or above as we can.

    • #285350

      The perception of reality that is true and unfiltered

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