Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #182909

      Not sure. It seems Kabbalah wants to show us how to receive the senses to unveiling our evil inclination is part of our nature. As we become aware, we will “choose” to develop the creator’s qualities to correct ourselves so then understand our friend’s wrong dues. It looks like that is part of the creator’s plan to bring godliness to this world and live in harmony by correcting ourselves first.

    • #182885
      Abidemi Kinoshi

      The reason I study Kabbalah is to lead to Perception of Ultimate Reality.

    • #182861
      Antoinette Verlaan

      I want Kabbalah to lead me to loving my neighbour as myself. And i want to know the Creator and learn to become like the Creator

    • #155849

      The perception of reality I would like the study of Kabbalah to lead me to absolute peace and harmony within myself and to radiate love to my surroundings.
      <p style=”text-align: center;”></p>

    • #155848

      The perception of reality I would like the study of Kabbalah to lead me to absolute peace and harmony within myself and to radiate love to my surroundings.


    • #155847

      The perception of reality I would like the study of Kabbalah to lead me to absolute peace and harmony within myself and to radiate love to my surroundings.

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