Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • Author
    • #184488

      I want to see reality, as it really is.

    • #184382

      I would like to perceive the highest reality, not just the one inside my skin.

    • #184283
      Kelvin Sellers

      I want kabbalah to lead me to the perception of reality that is beyond the limitations of the bodily senses.

    • #184282
      Kelvin Sellers

      The practitioner should want the perception of reality as it really is without the distortions that comes from the psychological conditioning of the body’s sense organs.

    • #183487

      The perception of reality as it truly is, not as the way our senses filter it.

    • #183234
      Anthie Televantou

      My biggest wish is to perceive heaven on earth. I really believe we can do that. I am aware it will take a long time but I m ready to pursue this intention.

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