Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #56476

      To the essence and source of such, that makes up everything in creation. Truth, knowledge, living, thought, should aline with it, if we are to really perceive it.



    • #56423
      Clancy Birrell

      The Truth.

    • #56291
      Judi Bechard

      Pure bestowal.  Equivalence of form with the Creator.

    • #56115

      To a TRUE perception of Reality

    • #55954
      Ramsey Ntombela

      I believe that everything was created in spirit before it became physical. I desire to know the spiritual foundation of our perceived reality. I believe that this would give my life a correct perspective to reach the purpose of my life here and in eternity.

    • #55788
      Soudia Hamid Hiya

      a loving reality where every one respect everyones feelings and accept them, do no harm to others and love all things and know that he or she is the beginning of all

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