Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #55298

      Shalom. I have very high expectations of Kabbalah, because I have not found any more correct, logical and complete path than it. I can not write just one sentence in response to your question. But the most important reason that led me to this path of light was to discover the secrets of the higher worlds now that I am in the physical world. In my opinion, the real art of Kabbalah is to show Kabbalists the secrets of the five worlds of Adam Kadmon and Atzilut And Beriah and Yeyzirah in the same world of Asyah. I want to know who or who Gilgul I was?

    • #55285

      The average person perceives reality through the bodily senses.We need to transcend the limitations of the perceptions of the bodily senses and perceive reality the way it is outside of the body.

    • #55280
      Muhammad Tanim

      I f I am not wrong, is it so that although we are programmed by a higher Being, whom we call God, thorough the know;edge of Kabbalah we can be equivalent to Him and redetermine our feature?

    • #55271
      Cinco Leone

      I want the study of Kabbalah to lead me to complete perception as opposed to fragmented and egoistic perception which is the cause of my suffering.

    • #55269

      I think we want to perceive how we can tune ourselves to harmony and love, and avoid bad flows of energy.

    • #55242

      To perceive reality and  to besto

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