Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • Author
    • #390110

      Alignment flow between above and below.

    • #389588

      I want to change the ratio of participation of the Creator vs my own mind, in directing my life. I can already tell that the Universe seems to always have a better idea than what I wanted or planned, when things go a different direction than I sought to go.

      Now I need my subconscious to take notice of this and quiet itself.

    • #389583
      Amy W

      I know I live in a tiny, tiny box. The box is just always asking for more – more food, more pleasure, more comfort, more joy. I know the box will never be satisfied, so living inside the box is ultimately unfulfilling. I need a bigger box, a bigger reality. I do not think I can ever perceive the totality of what is, but surely I can perceive more than what is inside the box!

    • #389570
      Robert Levine

      Perception of the Upper World

    • #388867

      I want to perceive the good that the creator has for me and be at peace with it.

    • #388713

      I want to attain truth. In every instance and moment, in or outside time and space, in this or other universes, dimensions and in all that is still unknown, I desire to attain truth. To see all of options, choices, directions, possibilities, potentials, and to know, desire and intent a choice that at the moment serves in most optimal way, All.

Viewing 6 posts - 205 through 210 (of 1,361 total)
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