Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

Viewing 6 posts - 403 through 408 (of 1,269 total)
  • Author
    • #332562
      Curtis AO

      A unified sense of reality between creation and creator

    • #332545
      Daniel Leon

      To a perception that take us closer to the Creator.

    • #332518

      To the perception of full reality.

    • #332516

      There is in us, something that we say that “click” with some peoples and doesn’t “click” with others, perhaps that, may be the reality we don’t see but that is there for us to see. Maybe things that I dislike, because I am not perceiving properly and other that I like for the same reason.  In our internal exam, we should look with different set of glasses, because we are misleading our self with the one we use. In our relations with others, because the difference in reality… Is that the purpose, to unify the view of the reality and if so… how we know we are feeling the same?  The color You see is the same color I see? Both are the same xxHz, but are the same sensation…?

    • #332515

      All is one

    • #332510
      maria santos

      To the actual realty that the creator perceives. How can we understand the creator and its creation if we cannot perceive the totality of creation?

Viewing 6 posts - 403 through 408 (of 1,269 total)
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