Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #337725

      Perceive reality as it truly is and through not just the five senses

    • #337689

      I want to percieve the world beyond the five senses. The Realitty.

    • #337631

      I hope to develop extra senses (a kind of third eye) that enable me to experience the spiritual world as it is described.

    • #337539

      To perceive the joy of creation as reality, within and without.

    • #337476
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      Sharing a poem I wrote today.  🙂

      Jehova-Nissi not by my my stripes but by your Mercy
      Not by my will but Thy will be done
      I won’t run and blame you for what I’ve done
      I’ll sit patiently for the Sun to shine in the dark
      Till you mark my heart with a dot that’s a start
      A flicker of hope as I grope for the splinters that
      Flinter and flicker in your light after I lost sight
      Of what’s right, then my plight took flight causing me
      To fight for my forgotten Love, the One who sent a dove
      Centuries ago a promise for me to forEgo the path of my own
      Destruction a reconstruction of choices from the voices in my head that are lead.

      Jehova-Nissi don’t miss me as I reach for the light, take pity on my plight
      As I delight in You and renew my resolve to evolve.  I can’t resolve the hate they negate.
      Clean the slate and create a state of Peace and Calm, You be the Balm.
      My gifts are the gathered fragments of my heart for you to start the healing, sealing the cracks and all that lacks with wisdom and love attained from above.  Let Your beauty shine through for all to view your glory and the story of your creation, culminating into nations each representing a perception which appear to be reflections of imperfection and deception, as we attain to gain a measure of Your perfection.

      Creator and creature cannot compare when I stare through the abyss of black and all that we lack.  Jehova-Nissi stack the odds in our favour as we labour to bring forth the light for mankind to delight in your Creation and fashion a passion for Life Force as we change the course and bask in the ark of your Revelation that We Are One Nation.

      Leyah, Lynette Evol Rowberry

      All Rights Reserved

      Mbabane, Kingdom of Eswatini
      19 December 2023

    • #337366

      I want to see the world how really is beyond the 5 senses

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