Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #330337
      Jack Davidsen

      We want to acquire the perception of reality that comes with having attained Equevalence of Form, which is to say The Perception of The Creator. You can also say we want to obtain the ability to perceive all of reality, rather than just a minor, distorted part of it, as we have done all of our lives until now.

      I hope this makes sense.

    • #330300

      I want Kabbalah to lead me to perceive reality as it is — to know how the larger program operates — not just from my own limited and programmed point of view. I liked the line in the intro video for this week that went something like (paraphrase) “The more you desire your inner program to be like the larger outer one, the closer it brings you to know it and enter it.”


    • #330268

      To pure love and light

    • #330230

      I would like to learn how to perceive reality as a source of joy

    • #330209

      to lead to the truest, the pure truth of our creator. To know Him and to know his amazing plan.              In finding that, i will find my true self.

    • #330200

      That life is not about the “WYSIWYG-reality” of this world but rather about attaining a much more vast and abundant reality of the Light. Kabbalah teaches us the way (the steps) that lead us to the truth.

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