Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #322683

      Hi Kabu ,

      I am unsure if you mean what do we expect from the lesson of the Kabbalah in total ???
      or the first lesson of the course ?

      Option 1
      I hope the Kabbalah will allow me to KNOW the reality of the spiritual world, to be completely assured of its existence.
      I have doubts.
      My fear is that spirituality & “the creator” may be an illusion created by the human mind.
      I think when humans stop to think of themselves in the context of the universe, multiverse, multiple dimensions etc ( this seems to keep changing in Quantum Science ) they are filled with fear & lost in the enormity of an existence.
      Maybe we are just an accident of chemistry initiated in a warm primordial pond ?

      What I hope for as an alternative to the warm pond theory, is confirmation that spirituality and the creator are existant forces that are generally benevolent towards humanity & that there is a way to move towards that spirit to escape the corporeal world and all its travail ……to find the answers to the eternal WHY.

      Option 2
      I hope from this first lesson a general outline of what direction we are heading in and why .🙃

    • #322664

      I want to find a direct way to get to know the other worlds. That should be in this life!

    • #322127

      Finding the best way to living

    • #322040

      Being subjected to the random circumstances that take place in life creates a sense of helplessness. Events before they happen even show up in dreams. Yet, the inability to prevent these adverse events can contribute to a helpless resignation and accept life for what it gives

    • #321720

      Fundamental refreshing

    • #321664

      Finding truth, and be happy.

Viewing 6 posts - 637 through 642 (of 1,840 total)
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