Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #428956

      I expect glimpses of life wisdom, in order to better understand who I am and how to live in harmony and respect with the universe and its creator. I would like to achieve spiritual knowledge.

    • #428943

      How to integrate into life and share with others

    • #428936

      Deeper understanding of the Kabbalah

    • #428927

      No expansion at all

    • #428900
      Ali Ansari

      I’ve explored various branches of science, spiritual traditions, and even esoteric and occult teachings, yet none have answered my core questions: Why are we here? Who am I? What is the right way to live? How should I handle people who harm me, especially when I struggle to set boundaries? I feel like I have no clear edges, and socially, it’s breaking me.

      I hope Kabbalah can provide the answers I seek. I see others who follow its wisdom and seem content, fulfilled, even happy. Maybe I can find my purpose too. I choose to be optimistic.

    • #428889

      A basic understanding of Kabbalah and basic fodation to choose where I go from there with a true understanding of the subject

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 2,193 total)
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