Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #428759

      I expect to receive insight upon which I will need to reflect 🙂 I imagine this will be part of the foundation of my understanding, and it’ll be something to hold onto & remember, to practise or implement in my daily life, to continue to grow

    • #428754

      I am expecting to find the truth about the life, me,soul, God .

    • #428753

      To listen to the teaching, to explore and reflect on the ideas presented. I desire to further my understanding of wisdom and how I can use this knowledge in my daily life

    • #428742

      I expect to see different perspectives. To have my ability to see other available choices or possibilities that could open up new avenues of thought and action for me, revealed to me. Effectively, to have my eyes opened up to ideas and concepts that I may never have thought about, or never deemed worthy of, consideration, before.

      I desire to change the course of my life, to shift traits of negativity that I’m still holding onto out of fear or ignorance. Also, to gain clarity on which direction to take in my life, i.e. how best to use my Creator given gifts and talents to serve myself and others, equally, in the Highest interest of all. Creating win/ win situations for all.

    • #428739

      Peace, truth and my highest potential.

    • #428525

      Deeper uunderstanding

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