Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #314911

      How to center myself and learn to listen to what my heart is really saying.

      Learn to receive

    • #314893

      I expect to experience the wisdom in a different way.  To allow the wisdom to find me and work through me.

      My desire is to know the difference.

    • #314888

      I’m looking for greater insight into all the ways we are interconnected with each other and the world.


    • #314865
      shaymaa bakr

      i hope to recieve divine  answers to my questions

    • #314864

      I would like to gain a deeper knowledge of myself and life and how to change for the betterment of myself and others, plus create a more harmonious environment that i live in

    • #314860

      To communicate at a deeper level with Yahweh. To continuously grow be receptive to change and actively practice learnings. My desire to connect Biblical Hebrew literature to the Kabbalah as a “part 2” post Bible continued philosophy as the two connect & coincide. Personally I find the Kabbalah literature a 21st century creator centric philosophy & practice not necessarily a mystery the practice and historical significance simply “makes sense”creator one on one communication is ultimate step I seek to achieve & receive unto others.

      In addition my last name is Kabala the ancestral appreciation I cherish & respect to continuously learn more.

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