Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #315784
      Raphael Mifsud

      I obviously want some answers that satisfy the big questions but more important, I want to experience this connectedness, this perception of the subtle and spiritual worlds.

      I am here to (re)educate my perception and way of interpreting things. Or in other words, to go through all the corrections.

    • #315746

      I am looking for purpose and fulfillment and growth.

    • #315722

      I expect to finally find a path I can relate to. One that is practical and fulfilling

    • #315716
      Melissa Lucero

      I expect the lesson to induce in me new ways of looking at our world. And to create in me, new desires that are more similar to the creators desires .

    • #315689
      Julie in Cornwall

      I expect a surprise that makes me feel more certain about myself.

    • #315555

      What I look forward to learn more about the closeness that I can get to the creator. I feel that I am some what connected to the most high, because of feelings, that I have . I need to understand what is happening, because I am feeling blessed in many ways. I want to understand how sickness or our health is connected, and that we can rise above the sickness that we are having here in this place. Juanita

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