Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #281857

      I expect to know I depth knowledge about life and how to control my destiny. I desire inner wisdom that I can share to the people that I know.

    • #281837

      The video spoke of the flow of life. I have recently felt like everything that I’ve been doing feels forced. When I pursue what I have feel is my “destiny” I am met with one hurdle after another and over time it’s feel that I have to force and fight to pursue my destiny. I am exhasuted from living like this and I hope to learn more about how to feel that flow of life.

    • #281825

      Hi Tony,

      I am loving what I’m learning here and in your 6 hour Kabbalah Revealed YouTube!

      As a Christian I am curious to know what Kabbalists think of Jesus.

      Is he seen as a prophet? As God?

      Did Jesus teach Kabbalah?

      Thank you

    • #281802

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I want to learn what Kabbalah is and why I have always felt so drawn to it, despite having little knowledge or understanding of it.</p>

    • #281800

      I just want to know more about the cause and how to promote it in the world instead of the reigning CONSEQUENCE that is limiting the world

    • #281754

      Hello, I’m Dee and so excited to be able to take this spiritual journey.  I am in hope to discover my spiritual self and what my purpose of life is revealed. I’m 71 and been searching for several years wondering why there is so much chaos and hate in this beautiful world and I now am beginning to understand by the wisdom of Kabbalah.

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