Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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  • Author
    • #222430
      Gabriel Pinheiro

      I’m here attending a personal commitment to start a methodical study. My expectations is already fullfilled.

    • #222256
      kevin jackson

      I’m here with no expectations, just being a sponge and soaking up all that I can

    • #222250


      I want to get started, learn the basics in a structured way, get to know the how the course system works. I know the way ahead of me is a long one, so let’s take it one step at a time.

      ….and my heart rejoices at the prospect of getting answers to it’s questions about life and what we are doing here in this world, so I hope to be able to come one little step closer to understanding.


      🙂 Ralitza

    • #222246

      From the first lesson, I expect to review basic concepts of Kabbalah and heighten my learning and understanding. My desire is that it helps me along my path toward knowledge and experience of my true inner Self and all of Creation.

      • #222486
        Randy McCormick

        In preparation for the first lesson, I expect to receive insights into the misconceptions of Kabbalah. I hope it intensifies my reasoning for taking this course in a way that alters my state of perception as it relates to spirituality, religion, science, etc. I hope to gain insights in the anatomy of teachings so that I can better understand and articulate a workable explanation if asked to answer questions about said subjects.

    • #222235

      It is time for change. I expect to learn the way to transcend beyond the limited perceptions and egoistic nature of humanity.

    • #222210

      Way to understand kabbalah

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