Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #284681

      I expect to learn the ways things work, to understand the purpose of life and the destination of our soul’s journey, and to use that knowledge to help others alleviate their own suffering, enjoy life, and make the progress in life their soul incarnated to make.

    • #284649
      Fredrick Hughes

      I expect to gain purpose and wisdom and, in that, inner peace. My desire is to function in this world the way God intended.

    • #284587
      Nicky Boo

      I’m expecting to feel overwhelmed, if I’m honest. I want to get a basic grip on the structure of this course and it’s content.

    • #284573

      I desire to achieve a higher nature, as similar as possible for a created being such as myself, to the Upper Force, cultivate the quality of bestowal, to grow and develop my soul, awaken a more perfect perception of reality independent of my 5 senses. I realize that this is goes far beyond just the first lesson, but I am setting my intentions and expressing my desire for a lifelong commitment with like-minded participants.


    • #284564
      Adelina Santos

      To change my perception of life, to invert my will to receive into a will to bestow, to reveal the Creator.

    • #284551

      Change my perception and intentions and make my corrections and connect with love to become in balance with the Universe and nature.

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