Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #63256

      a step towards developing my ability to tune into the light.

    • #63012

      Again I put my question in the wrong spot, what I hope to get is a clear understanding of it all, how we got here and how to return home, Ive already learned so much.

    • #63011

      I asked a question that had nothing to do with the weeks lesson what so ever and I apologize, I was thinking about what I was doing.  So if egoism is where we get the evil inclination how do we rid ourselves of that.

      • #63072

        Hi Mark,

        In Kabbalah, the ego is not a bad force but rather a partner that helps us to advance. Meaning we don’t eliminate our ego, we rise above it. It turns into a type of hill or mountain that we rise above. In other words, the greater the ego, the further up we can climb, and the greater the spiritual level we can achieve. On the other hand if we eliminate the ego, then the spiritual level we can achieve is relatively tiny.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #63010

      Well I am absolutely open to learn from the beginning as if I never heard anything before. Clean slate. Because I didn’t actually make the connection anyway. I was told that the Tarot was some kind of template to explain the Kabbalah but I never got that. I ‘ve also listened to other speakers on the subject. I just want to come open and fresh to receive what I’m supposed to receive right now.

      I did pause and do have some hesitation right now regarding the part where we are all a part of some guy named Adam HaRishon. I looked it up and the definition makes me feel better to continue.

    • #62935

      I don’t know what expect from this lesson. However, I desire to achieve the ability to transcend egoism and I’m hoping that this will assist me in that process.

    • #62906

      Conocer las leyes de la sabiduría de la Cabalá que me permitan manejar mi destino y el flujo de mi vida a través de acciones y decisiones adecuadas dentro de mi libre albedrío, mejorar mi percepción de la realidad.

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