Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #62870

      I am seeking deeper understanding of the divine force I can perceive and feel operating in my life. Hoping to achieve greater wisdom to understand the language of God.

    • #62704

      I don’t really have any expectations. I’ve watched quite a few of the KabU vids on YouTube now–some multiple times. I’m very attracted to some of what I’ve heard, doubtful about other parts, and uncomfortable or mildly antagonistic towards a couple things too. But I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t feel a net positivity.

      I’ve been a seeker for a long time now, and I told a friend after first discovering the KabU vids: “I felt something I haven’t felt in a long time. But I don’t want to get my hopes up.”

      So I’m just entering this with an open mind and heart. But not so open my brains and heart fall out either! =)

    • #62687

      I want to know I am doing all I can to connect with the creator.

    • #62493
      Delayne Mohammed

      When I first started this course I was not expecting much, yet I received more than what I expected.

    • #62303

      I too want to connect with the creator. In the past I felt I connected very briefly, albeit  only once.

      I feel I have come home with Kabbalah, and it feels so right.

      thank you

    • #61639

      What do I expect from the lesson?  I expect to be taught the fundamental principles of Kabbalah, which are completely new to me so I can try to apply, or at least understand them.  What do I hope to achieve from the process? I want to achieve a knowledge and understanding of why I feel so disconnected f rom so many things and people, but to apply this new found education to enable me to reconnect in a way that allows everybody to be fulfilled, and therefore improve the reality of people and animals close to me would be welcomed.  So I think the goal is personal growth without any shortcuts or quick fixes.   Am I hoping for too much?

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