Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #184934

      A better sense of my place in the world

    • #184889

      What I hope for this lesson(week) specifically?

      Well, I hope to understand what stands for the essence of Kaballah. Because once you understand the basics, you can then logically integrate all the subsequent parts for a wider comprehension.

    • #184773
      Jeo Ruiz

      understanding our nature

    • #184756

      Clarificar conceptos importantes y trascendentes.

    • #184749

      Com o estudo da Cabala intenciono entender os mecanismos que o criador usa para a elaboração do plano da criação no qual eu estou incluído, e dessa forma poder dar continuidade no meu processo de uma correção de uma forma diferente buscando entender e corrigir meu desejo de receber ao internalizar a lei de similaridade da forma com o Criador, gerando assim um processo de evolução consciente que é conhecido como o caminho da Torá Mitzvot.

    • #184694

      I want Kabbalah to show me how to reliably and consistently connect to divine force or guiding principle inside myself.  I expect this will improve how I experience life.

      • #184706

        I love your profile picture. I think as you keep learning about Kabbalah, you will be amazed at how ingeniously your profile picture relates to your expectations.

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