Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

Viewing 6 posts - 571 through 576 (of 2,213 total)
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    • #370581

      I expect insights and practical learning how get answers how to improve myself on the path of giving and connecting with Light.

    • #370513

      I want to connect with Creator

    • #370298
      Boateng Prempeh

      I want this lesson to help me to get more insight and understanding into my self

    • #370096

      I am particularly interested in learning relationships between Hebrew, Kabbalah and spirituality. Thank you!

    • #369883

      I want to get the answer to all my whys and the reason why we are here in this world where we see so much struggle and suffering.

    • #369703

      It seems that Kabbalah is supposed to teach me the “science” behind how things come to be in the physical reality. Only after understanding those aspects of life and the steps the divine manifests/translates its energy into this realm of reality can we get the full picture (or at least a bigger one) of how we play part in it and where we can create shifts in order to move on a more desired path than the one we are on. I think the lesson will be about drawing a map of what aspects of the divine or life there are. It has to start with the basics.


      I desire to understand the world better and I’m curious about how Kabbalah is said to be the way to become a better receiver of God’s creation, I would like to listen, be calm and receive.

Viewing 6 posts - 571 through 576 (of 2,213 total)
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