Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #327446

      To learn the secrets of creation.

    • #327391

      Want to connect with and tap into source more easily. Reunite with Divine! 🙂

    • #327331

      To understand why I am here, how things are connected and are related. The forces great and small that make up life, matter, space, the reason for everything

    • #327330

      Because I know nothing about Kabbalah, I only wish to learn as much as possible.

    • #327324

      I expect to get closer to the upper light that surrounds us.


      Thank you!!

    • #327304

      I’d like to clarify how to start learning and attaining internally. The question of who am I and what’s the meaning of it all has tormented me for years, despite an outwardly normal and fulfilling existence, and nothing else I’ve tried has scratched that itch like Kabbalah.

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