Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #284973

      Instead of asking, “What can I gain from this?”, we shift to asking, “What can I contribute with?”.

      Nobody wants to be alone, not truly.

      We all want to belong, to be accepted and understood with all our flaws and talents.

    • #284920

      To shift from an egotistical perception of reality to a perception from bestowal, first I really need to have the wisdom in my heart that there is none else besides Him. Once this fills the heart then true spiritual connection will facilitate the shift from egoism to desire to bestow in order to love Creator and the other. I have no real experience of this but long for this to be a way of life for all.

    • #284288

      It meaning focusing on connections with others, and seeing them as extensions of myself.

    • #283399
      Theresa H

      It means to see everyone and everything is connected and, to be more of a giving force rather than a receiving force.

    • #282939

      Hi Friends

      To try and see the benefit others may receive instead of seeing it only for me.

    • #282719

      It means moving away from thinking of one’s self – instead we connect with others by being in service to them, so that the needs of others overtake our perception of reality.

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