Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #60507

      Preparation Question: What does it mean to shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal?

      Honestly, I can only guess b/c I have not had this experience yet. All of the teachings exemplify this shift as the only action of self will. To choose to take on the intention of bestowal shifts the focus away from our own needs and onto those around us. Like the old adage, when you go out the front door to serve your neighbors, G-d comes in your back door and takes care of you.

    • #60504

      The perception of bestowal. Is the true reality.

    • #60457

      Instead of trying to satisfy myself (my ego), I satisfy others through love and bestow.

    • #59482

      Altruistic pleasure, almost an equivalence of form, but mainly the joy I receive when I give, when it can be done.

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