Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 349 through 354 (of 370 total)
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    • #59619

      To realize an identity shift… to shift from the illusion of being a separate person to being a quantum part of one Soul.

    • #59261

      Egoistic perception – I am not connected, I separated myself from others.

      The perception which is based on bestowal – we are one, we are all connected and for that reason, I should love my neighbour as myself.

    • #59234

      It means shifting from the desire of fullfiling only myself to fullfiling desires in the name of the Creator.

    • #59020

      It means nullification of the ego…can that be done? It’s almost an impossibility. Therefore, to remember that the Creator has, in His bless-d Grace, given me the understanding (Binah) to know that everything comes from from Him, i.e., the struggle to know how to bestow according to equivalence of form. Surrender to all could be a process, faith above reason. Overall, it’s not an easy shift from one to the other. In some forms, it could take years to be able to know you are giving back to the Creator, in order to receive, for the joy that stems of giving.

    • #58941
      Candace Joy

      To love my neighbor as myself.  To feel the Oneness!

    • #58912

      To us it means in everything that we do, to try and move intentions from I/me to us and we.

Viewing 6 posts - 349 through 354 (of 370 total)
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