Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 331 through 336 (of 408 total)
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    • #285313
      Tatjana Ristanić

      it means we become true adults

    • #285261
      T C

      I think it is a change in thought from, “I exist to fulfill my desires in themselves, and it doesn’t really matter about others so much,” to a position of, “The greatest fulfillment of my desires, and so the greatest pleasure I can receive, is the pleasure that comes from being able to help other created created beings fulfill their desires.”

      I’m not sure if this makes me an apikoros, but I would even say that in some ways the greatest pleasure we can bestow is upon the Creator by receiving the bestowal the Creator bestows on us with a joyful heart. Using the example often used about the dinner party, not only do we get enjoyment and pleasure from the food, music, company, and atmosphere of the dinner party, but expressing our enjoyment brings so much pleasure to the host of the dinner party. We, can then experience the pleasure of pleasing the host simply by being pleased by the good received. It kind of creates a feedback loop of receipt-bestowal-receipt-etc.

      • #285365

        Thank you for posting this. I agree with your explanation and am starting to “feel” the truth of it.

    • #285163

      I think it is a realization that there is great personal benefit in ensuring the well being of others (people, animals, plants, fish, etc.). Some examples: our children benefit more when all children receive a quality education because they will need to work together in the future. Or that we need healthy trees and fish for a healthy climate, which in turn translate to our own health. Or that ensuring that everyone feels confident in the ability to have their needs met removes the need for revolt/revolution and provides peace for all of us, etc.

    • #285104

      En últimas significa que hemos corregido nuestro deseo y dado el paso de la norma egoísta de Nimrod de “lo que es tuyo es tuyo, lo que es mío es mío”, con toda la secuela externa de catástrofes, pandemias y desolación global y personal, hacia la forma más amplia de amor al projimo en la cual ” lo que es tuyo es tuyo, lo que es mío también es tuyo”, y la llegada del alma hacia los mundos espirituales y a una convivencia pacífica y amorosa entre todos.

    • #285085

      To shift our perception, first we need To acknowledge that our ego is corrupt  then learn to look to its opposite form to begin to see the light of bestowal

    • #285048

      That’s means the path of Torah & Mitzvot that produces a progressive & a constant correction of our ego, in order to attain more & more equivalence of form with the Creator, & the transformation of our Kli. A transformation that gives us the force to use our natural ego (or will to receive) in order to bestow, & to develop a higher sense or consciousness in perceiving  “really” reality (the Creator’s thought).

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