Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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    • #186258

      From my current understanding that means that I listen to the lessons and read the books with the awareness that the whole world kli and my future ten are listening and reading with me through the same pair of ears and eyes and that we feel and experience the same warmth together at the same instant, and that I am happy for all of them for feeling this unity.

    • #186209

      This means that we examine all the events and happenings around us through the five senses controlled by the ego and perception, but if we change our attitude towards giving and forgiving, our perception of the currents around us will change.

    • #186208

      To change one’s intention of receiving for the ego, to receiving with intention to bestow.

    • #183651

      Somehow, sometimes we feel the urge to do some good in life, but those are glimpses of what is left in us from creation, now, seen it in the perspective of kabbalah, it becomes much clearer where we must transit to achieve real auto realization in life, to be like the Creator. Living in the western side of the world, it becomes a real challenge to change social dynamics to one of bestowal, especially in a agroup setting.


    • #182974

      Hi Friends

      for me, when started it wasn’t easy stop thinking about me so I started to include other in my intentions and that started filling in the space that my I was taking. If we Invert the M in ME it becomes WE !!

    • #127803

      Not speaking from attainment here, just theoretical: it means perceiving directly that the world is not a place of corruption, old age, disease, death and evil but is instead filled with divine light and is all good. It would mean crossing the machsom, and becoming a hub of light filling existing connections and making new connections in this world based on an entirely different basis than that of the ego today.

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