Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 391 through 396 (of 407 total)
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    • #58912

      To us it means in everything that we do, to try and move intentions from I/me to us and we.

    • #58643

      To shift from our world to spiritual world.

    • #58517

      It means to develop the ability to connect with the desires of others above their ego.

    • #58373

      It means to see through the eyes of Love.

    • #58301
      Rodrigo Tavares

      It means, first of all, understanding that we are all part of an open system, in which, when one is harmed, all are. Based on this assumption, we seek to understand how to fill the needs of others, with each of our actions.

      • #58328
        Rodrigo Tavares

        Also, it’s important to understand that in my ignorance, I’m still in the early stages of knowing the will of the system as a whole. Because only by having the humility to recognize this ignorance, it is possible to take the smallest step, that is, in the knowledge of the collective will.

        • #58357

          Rodrigo, don’t get me wrong,  i am also in total ignorance about what is the thruth and what is real. I only react and reflect about what has more or less sinked in after the lessons . I am as humble as can be to acknowledge that I don’ t know right from wrong ( or right from left). But, I  have an appetite to taste the thruth, so do you . We have something in common. With friendly greetings.


    • #58300

      It is a change in attitude, against one’s nature, understanding that there is no reality outside a person’s perception. Corruption makes way for correction. Understanding that being a part (shattered soul) of a whole, reconnection  with the One Soul is longed for. One man, one Heart.

      If  I understand Kabbalah teachings correctly so far,  this is only possible after the crossing of the barrier.

Viewing 6 posts - 391 through 396 (of 407 total)
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