Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #331765

      View reality from the perspective of the Creator means that we view it from the perspective of a pure positive giving force. It means that we see reality as only good or just as it is, without any judgement. We are not like the Creator but we can strive to be like Him.

    • #331294
      Varda kahalany

      When I am contemplating this question , if I consider what we learned so far it is like understanding that everything comes and happens from a desire to bestow and when looking at the big picture there is nothing that does not have a meaning or a purpose for the good of all.

      But it is difficult for me to comprehend this because surely the creator knows and understands his creation so when events are happening that cause sadness (like loosing a loved one , suffering from an incurable illness, seeing someone close to our hearth suffering without the ability to help him\her) the creator may feel these thing through us – even though this ‘feeling’  exists in this low world only , it is sort of a branch of a root in the spiritual world . The creation came from the creator so it is part of the creator. It is a bit difficult to express with words what I mean and I hope that it will not be miss understood.

    • #331242

      The creator is only good, so he can only do good. Only we cannot see the whole of reality and we tend to make interpretation that reality is not good. So we make negative interpretations based on our limited information and on our egoistic nature.

    • #331177
      Dennis Ibrahim

      The intention of creation is to do good to the creation, and this intention doesn’t change. In other words the Creator doesn’t change. When the person doesn’t understand the attitude of the Creator, he may interpret different circumstances to look as if the Creator does bad. Therefore it is the responsibility of the creature to see that the Creator is good and always does good

    • #331098

      The Creator, the Force of nature, is good and only does good.

      We can’t perceive it in our current state because of the concealment.

      We see everything that happens to us and everything around us from the perspective of our will to receive.

      We have to reach the equivalence of form with the intention to bestow, that is the intention of the Maker, to be able to see that the Creator is all good and only does good.

    • #331069

      It’s almost like re-booting my computer, changing from it’s ancient programme to a new one with enhanced ability to look at things from a different perspective. I am sure, in fact certain, that the change in perception of an unchanging force will be life changing. I’m not anticipating this to be easy or always pleasant, there must be some challenges in having my idea of this world being turned upside down. But here goes, together we must be able to handle it?

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