Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #329523

      Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

      Truth be told, I, being the creature-(the will to receive),  with my egoism, am the complete opposite of the Creator, which is pure Will To Bestow. And not having attained “equivalence of form” with the Creator, I can only TRY to “imagine”, (to fantasize) what it means to view reality from the perspective of the Creator.

      I am only able to use what information my 5 corporeal senses (which have no ability to sense the Upper Spiritual Reality) have “gathered”, to create images which have no referent in the Upper Reality.

      The better I am able to change my Intention from “to receive pleasure for myself”, into an Intention “to receive for the sake of the Creator”, to work towards “connection”, the more “Reforming Light” I will attract. Then I can build a Second Nature– a Kli with a “Screen”– an Altruistic nature above my egoistic nature. This should put me into greater Similarity of Form with the Creator.  Then (I think) I’ll begin to”see” with a “Cognitive Perception”-(a Wordless Awareness), beyond words, ideas, theories, illusions etc into the Upper Reality. Gaining an ability to see from a perspective of Bestowal and from  a Reality of: Consciousness, Force and Form, rather from the egoistic illusory/delusional perspective from which I now see. Then (hopefully!) I’ll have an better idea of “What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator”!


    • #328950
      Cinco Leone

      To me viewing reality from the perspective of the creator would be coming to the realization that all forms of life are merely projections of myself. Recognizing that the myriad forms of suffering beings in the world are merely emanations of myself, I would seek to alleviate their pain until every last one of them felt completely fulfilled. This would be the embodiment of the principle “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

    • #328893
      patrick diederich

      For us humans it would mean to see the world according to the maxim: Love your friend as yourself.

      Which means that we should find interest in, care for and love all that we perceive. Then we will feel gratitude for all that we experience and get an idea what it means to be able to love. In any case I think that the ability to feel gratitude is a prerequisite for being able to love unconditionally.

      UNCONDITIONAL LOVE  is the consciousness of the creator. Love is the constant force field which surrounds us and want us to grow and experience pleasure as He does.

    • #328841


    • #328711

      To see through a lens of bestowal . To see all things as good, like as is a parent that teaches a child even through discomfort that is meant to mature us spiritually.

    • #328673
      Jarrett Twaddle

      To think of all reality almost as a loving parent thinks of their children, but more than that to see that all things that happen are in order to advance creation.

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