Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • #37688

    Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 327 total)
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    • #334773
      maria santos

      Freedom is choosing the path of pain or the path of light, from there the Creator (Light) breaks through and we are activated. From there we begin the ascent up the ladder, we are not able to do any of this unless the Creator opens the path and carries us through it.

    • #334768

      Freedom is to choose my attitude toward my desires and happenings outside of me. Nothing will change based on my choice ever, but my inner quality.

    • #334763
      Daniel Leon

      Freedom relies on our capacity to adjust our perception of the reality.

    • #334754

      For me, Freedom is an illusion. I do have the feeling that Kabbalah can help to achieve this.

    • #334604

      From experience it feels like I have freedom to choose the path of light or path of suffering. I have chosen the path of suffering over and over again, even though in my heart I knew it wasn’t what I truly desired. The more I study Kabbalah the more I think that my view of freedom may be skewed. If we are all a thought of the creator then perhaps all impulses towards the path of light or suffering come from the creator.

    • #334004

      Freedom is choosing to embody the qualities of the Creator.

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 327 total)
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