Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • #37688

    Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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    • #302633

      Freedom is being able to make choices, and one important choice is to choose friends who are internally (not externally) seeking spirituality.

    • #300756

      Freedom is a very vague – and grossly misunderstood – concept because it is mostly based on external constraints.

      The study and understanding of Kabbalah (in other words, cultivating the Light from within) will lead us on the path to spiritual freedom.

    • #300385
      Mark Short

      Freedom, the ability to consciously make a choice toward something. Connected to the reforming Light to make that choice that the reforming Light would make.

    • #300344

      I think to acquire freedom I must recognize the point in the heart.

    • #300314

      I don’t know what freedom is. According to the video I can acquire freedom if I surround myself with friends who desire to acquire real freedom.

    • #300288

      i don’t know what freedom is, i thought i did, but then it was revealed that what i thought was freedom was not freedom at all.  With the Reforming Light, the desire for the will to receive for my sake gets reformed into receiving in order to bestow or through study of Kabbalah i can go from wanting everything my way and to feel i have control which feels confining and lonely not free like i thought it would, now i feel more freedom because i don’t know what freedom is.  The prep video seemed to suggest choosing internality before externality is a clue.  Should be another great lesson, peace.

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