Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • #37688

    Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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    • #297155

      Freedom is having the sense needed to be able to perceive the choice between receiving for the sake of receiving versus receiving while holding the awareness that what I am receiving (or perceiving) is from the creator, for my good, in order to come into harmony with the master plan of all of creation and should be received in order to appease the grand orchestrator of all the things.

    • #297123

      I’m not sure I have the answer to either question. It seems that we can acquire freedom by focusing on internality rather than externality.

    • #297098

      Freedom is having the awareness of 2 intentions within: reception and bestowal and the ability to consciously choose one over the other. With friends, this can develop into equivalence of form.

    • #297086

      Question 1a:

      Freedom is when we have attained that state or level that will enable us control our destiny!

      Question 1b:

      With the help of the Reforming Light, we can acquire freedom by:

      i) Correcting and curating our egoistic desires and intentions

      ii) Growing the Point in the Heart in an enabling environment

      iii) Attainment of the equivalence of form with the Only Force of Reality, the Creator.


    • #297079
      Marko Podgorsek

      Freedom is a choice we make to follow the creator even though it feels like we are working against our ego.

    • #295226

      freedom  is  that point  where you can choose to follow  the  Upper light   the  will to bestow

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