Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #360406

      The last video made me realize that egoism is a boomerang: the egoism I spread always comes back to hurt me. Giving is like depositing money into a compound interest savings account: I receive what I have deposited with exponential growth.

    • #357640

      The prayer. It is very interesting topic. How through this force we can reach Malchut of Atzilut, or not? What is our reality ? We just have the prayer, Kabbalah and friends with the same goal. Be similar to God….

      Thank you.

    • #339123

      I was intrigued by several insights:

      1 One who takes responsibility for another receives a double portion

      2 It’s okay to be envious of others in group who are more spiritually advanced than me … to want what they have. Also, we can’t receive anything from someone we feel superior to.

      3 Prayer is a desire from the heart to close a gap or lack I’m feeling in my closeness with the Creator.  The beginning of prayer is activation of the PIH, which I understand is a gift from the Creator.

      4 I found the diagram that illustrated the mechanics of prayer very helpful

    • #336011
      Varda kahalany

      So, a major change in my perception occurred after learning what is a real prayer. It is also a bit confusing and arises questions, which I will ask in the questions part of this week. In general, there is a lot that I still need to ‘digest’ after going through the weeks of this course and every day I sort of have a new perception regarding ‘reality’ and how we manage things in this seemingly ‘real’ world, which actually is not at all so ‘real’.

      Everything is interesting so much and I am HONESTLY GRATEFUL that after my long searches was able to find Kabu – actually to join it , because I found it quite a while ago but did not take it seriously , maybe because I thought that I already know everything that it suppose to teach me  🙂 .

    • #335945

      This has been  a really good course – Thank you, Julian for being such a great instructor.

      You have spoken very clearly and taken us through complex changes of view so gracefully that I now have some idea of what sort of thing we will be taking on.  It s the most enormous adventure, and one where, although it seems an impossible task, I kinda think that with the right prayers and support, well, something may happen.  I ve only the vaguest idea of how this will come about, but then, not knowing allows us to be open to whatever it is.  I think we will come to KNOW , and then we’ll have begun the path of the Kabbalist !

    • #331039

      I am very glad to hear that attracting the reforming light is so certain and able to change our intention and desires towards bestowal……as becoming like the creator seems almost impossible from my perspective at the bottom of the ladder !

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