Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #280320

      I gained better understanding of how working in a group develops/expands the kli. The diagram in Week 4 showing the “mechanics” of how the group works was of much benefit to my mind’s understanding.

    • #223111
      Sol Belo

      What Dr. Laitman described in the video on how the circle of at most ten should interact is very impressive and eye opening to me

    • #62923

      i am just confused on prayer though. I have grown up as a habit to pray or talk to God, not just ask for things but thank him for things or just simply talk. Now am just silent and it feels strange. Hard to do actually.

    • #59512
      tefo bogosi

      There is only so far that I can go on this journey if I try and do it “alone”. Its like I am the proverbial lost sheep that has separated from the shepard and the rest of the flock. Its becoming increasingly evident to me that if I am not planted and firmly rooted in the correct environment, its just a matter of time before I once again deviate from the path of finally attaining equivallence of form with the creator. I desire for, I need the Lab.

    • #59498

      It crossed my mind during this course. From Bob Dylan’s, Rough and Rowdy ways, the lyrics of:

      Crossing  the Rubicon:

      I feel the holy spirit inside
      See the light that freedom gives
      I believe it’s in the reach of
      Every man who lives
      Keep as far away as possible
      It’s darkest ‘fore the dawn (Oh Lord)
      I turned the key, I broke it off
      And I crossed the Rubicon

      Mornin’ baby, I used to look my mind
      I truly believe that you are
      Couldn’t be anybody else but you
      Who’s come with me this far
      The killing frost is on the ground
      And the autumn leaves are gone
      I lit the torch, looked to the east
      And I crossed the Rubicon

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