Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 4 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • Author
    • #311777
      Roger Fry

      I found putting yourself below your friends very informative. Because I know see it as bestowal, trying to reach equivalence form.

    • #311074
      Leah Bergman

      I liked thinking that you are less than your friends

    • #306689

      In the video,  “Prayer as spiritual transformation”.  The graph [whiteboard drawing] was a wonderful ‘visual’ that I’m going to use when feeling resistance.  Thank you KabU!

    • #303905
      Ahmed Tabella

      Faith above reason was allows seemed vaguely similar to religion Faith. the metaphor of different levels of the body having different levels of reason is excellent. it is a matter of equivalence of form.

    • #301021
      Purity K

      Learning to see the internality of the person and not the externality.

    • #298948
      Kenneth Alexander

      I grew up in a Christian home and I have an attraction to metaphors. The one I’ve been contemplating on recently is the idea of a waterwheel that turns a millstone. To be like the waterwheel, receiving from the water the force to turn, which makes me (The waterwheel) feel like I’m doing as I should. And as the water flows through me, I help turn the millstone that produces the force to grind wheat into flour, which in turn gives the next the ability to turn that flour into bread. It’s kind of silly I admit, but its been helping me conceptualize the idea of being a force that takes in order to give.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 39 total)
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