Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • This topic has 52 replies, 47 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Ken.
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    • #183235

      The way the ego has thwarted all previous attempts of creating a great life for everyone.

    • #126260

      What blew my mind was the video of the awakening and how so true it is. the only way to save our world is by correcting the ego and bestowal. Inside of me i knew this to be true. Also the term ´´ force of Arut´´ which each member has to the other  in the grup of 10 made me think more of the responsibility and seriousness of being in a group.

    • #60925

      This part of the article “The Spiritual Root Circles And Lines Are The Process Of Correction” gave me a new perspective:

      “When we begin to correct ourselves, we begin to feel what is beyond the levels of the still, vegetative, animate, and speaking nature and begin to feel the connections between them. Later, when we ascend above these connections, we already begin to feel our world. Then the separation that we felt disappears and so do the connections and everything merges into one drop, into one whole body”.

    • #60447

      Watching the Related video, Spiritual Awakening and the Truth About Life, really blew the top off my lid. I actually was inclined to not finish this video, arrogantly thinking that I’d heard all this before….  But something kept me watching, and during the discussion of how every cell in the body serves the whole body, not itself – I got it! I got it. wow. I am really feeling how upside down I am. No wonder I feel such loneliness, emptiness. I identify as a cell instead of what I really am, a body.

    • #60301

      After watching the clip 1.3 The circle, I came across a quote by Empedocles, maybe it is fitting, anyway I found it mindblowing:

      The nature of God is a circle of which the center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere.

    • #60121

      Dear Instructor,

      I would very much like your help understanding the following sentence from the section below. “we begin to work in there as He did when He was there.” makes it sound like I know what to “do” and I don’t 🙁  Am I missing something from a previous lesson? If we are to act in place of the Creator – I’m at a loss. Thank you.


      Circle: The Quality Of The Creator.  The circle is the Creator quality, while the straight line is the creature’s quality. But since we work in the straight line with faith above reason and wish to be similar to the circle, we fill the circles. The Creator as if abandoned this place and gave us the freedom to act. And we don’t return Him to this place with our demand; instead, we begin to work in there as He did when He was there. This means we fulfill the circular sphere through the straight line.

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