Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 1 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #311231

      the importance of the group of 10 and practicing the bestowal aspect and the revelation we each help grow each others points in the heart.

    • #308331

      i tend to look for a connection with each phase of creation on a more conscious level now

    • #308218

      What piqued my curiosity was the straight lines filling the circle.  Each new piece of information builds upon the next.

    • #307713

      In the video, “The Minyan”  the story of the gold coin at the end gave me such a visual with our ‘point in the heart’.  And the responsibility to join my point in the heart to other folk’s point to help complete the whole.  Also I had an a’ha with the intention I get to set in connecting with no judgement, or as little as possible, and focussing solely on bringing  support[emotional & Spiritual] to the group.  This is so different from previous support groups I’ve been apart of;  I learned the attitude of  ‘is this group a fit for ME’, this same attitude was the ‘self-care’ I needed to practice for true fulfillment. The fulfillment never manifested.

    • #305494

      I understand better what opportunity there really is to bestow

    • #305107

      i wonder what the “rock the Creator cannot lift”?  This blew my mind, that there is something the Creator cannot do; and that i must do.  It appears this may be an area a little sliver of an area where i have actual free will? Peace

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